Velda Clear Control 100 Pond Filter + Filter Media Pack + 55w UVC

Velda are a premium aquatic brand dedicated to water gardening. They are based in Holland and are not particularly well know in the UK. We are a specialist dealer for all the Velda pond products as we believe that they offer quality solutions. The Clear Control range of pond filters is a proven range in europe and we believe that when pondkeepers see the quality of these filters the UK will love them too!
We have always appreciated the benefits that a pressure filter brings to a pond project:
– they can be positioned/buried below the water return area
– they can handle high pump flow rates
– they are compact
However, mainly due to their small size they were never a real option for large ponds, heavily stocked ponds or high waterfalls..The NEW Velda Clear Control 100 changes everything!
This Filter has a cannister capacity of 100 litres – more than twice the nearest competitor.It is also equipped with a seven-position handle switch which means the filter can be simply turned to Clean position andeffectively cleaned/backwashed without removal of the lid. Dirty water then exits via waste outlet.The other position options include:
• Back wash valve: This position is used to wash away the dirt in the valve
• Pond drain: Used to empty the pond
• Filtration: Standard running position.
• Medicine position: Water runs back into the pond bypassing the filter media.
• Stop: Pump can be cleaned, whereas the water remains inthe filter
• Winter: NEW The extra new position is a winter setting which actually drops the water within the container by about 2 inches and in severe winter conditions it prevents damage to the rubber sealing ring.
"We are the leading UK pond supplies specialist. Free expert help and advice is always available. We offer you the best choice of pond equipment at discount prices from Oase, Hozelock, Laguna, Fishmate and more." --- PondKeeper , More Details