Category Archives: Pond Plants

PondXpert Solar Lily Red Single & Triple Set

These red (single) and yellow (triple) artificial water lilies would grace any pond. The plants look very authentic and float effortlessly on the surface of the pond. Plants then automatically illuminate at night. The solar panel which powers the back-up battery is discreetly hidden within the lily pad itself.

Velda Aquatic Soil 10 Litres

In co-operation with Moerings water plant nursery, Velda introduces a new variety of pond plant soil. The unique mix of components of this pond plant soil guarantees optimum circulation of water, by which acidification is prevented and fantastic growth of the roots and flowering of the plant is achieved. This pond plant soil contains few

Velda Pond Planting Bags Medium 25x25cm – 3 Pack

The modern, more flexible approach to pond baskets.Special design contains plant roots and stops excessive growth.

Velda Pond Planting Bags Large 30x30cm – 3 Pack

The modern, more flexible approach to pond baskets.Special design contains plant roots and stops excessive growth.

Veldan Artificial Pond Plants ludwigia

Wow what a great idea! Pond plants that create an instant impact yet don’t die or get eaten by hungry fish.!

Velda Artificial Pond Plants Hornwort

Replica Pond Plants look just like the real thing.

Wildlife Marginal Plants Pack of 6 (9cm Pots)

These plants are all Great Polinators as well as being British Natives. This means they will attract a wide variety of polinating insects and other wildlife. They are also an attractive addition to your pond. Marginal Plants grow well in wet or water logged soil near the water garden’s edge or in shallow water They

OXYGENATOR Plants Pack of 6 (9cm Pots)

These plants are all Great Oxygenators. Submerged beneath the water’s surface, these plants release oxygen into the water as a by-product of photosynthesis. This is used by Fish and other aquatic animals. They help to remove excess nutrients, reduce algae growth, and provide aquatic inhabitants with protective cover and spawning grounds. Your Pack of 6

Ornamental Marginal Plants Pack of 6 (9cm Pots)

They are also an attractive addition to your pond. Marginal Plants grow well in wet or water logged soil near the water garden’s edge or in shallow water. They help to remove excess nutrients, and provide aquatic inhabitants with protective cover and spawning grounds. They also provide an attractive finish to any pond. Your Pack

Red Lily – ‘Attraction’ Nymphaea (Live Plant – 1L Pot)

The Burgundy Princess lily is a beautiful lily with a delicate red flower. Submerged beneath the water’s surface, these plants allow you to cover a large surface area with only a few plants. This helps to reduce the algae They help to remove excess nutrients, and provide aquatic inhabitants with protective cover and spawning grounds.

White Lily – White Virginalis Nymphaea (Live Plant – 1L Pot)

The Virginalis lily is a beautiful lily with large striking white flowers with a yellow centre. Submerged beneath the water’s surface, these plants allow you to cover a large surface area with only a few plants. This helps to reduce the algae They help to remove excess nutrients, and provide aquatic inhabitants with protective cover

Yellow Lily – Odorata Sulphurea Nymphaea (Live Plant – 1L Pot)

The Sunrise lily is a beautiful lily with pale yellow flowers with a slightly more vivid yellow centre. Submerged beneath the water’s surface, these plants allow you to cover a large surface area with only a few plants. This helps to reduce the algae They help to remove excess nutrients, and provide aquatic inhabitants with

Velda Aquatic Soil 20 Litres

This soil formula from Velda of Holland contains all the nutrients you pond plants need to thive.

Velda Aquatic Soil 10 Litres & Aquatic Gravel 8 Litres

Velda aquatic soil gives your pond plants everything they need to grow.Pond Gravel is useful as a topping to your pond plant baskets to stop any soil floating out and escaping. Pond gravel is aso great at providing ballast to anchor the pond plants in position.

Velda Pond Gravel 8 Litres

Artificial Pond Plants waterweed

Hard to find replica pond plants for ponds. Add a splash of colour to your pond and give your fish somewhere to hide.

Bermuda Thin Kidney Basket

Bermuda Kidney Planting Baskets – 3 for 2 Offer

Velda Floating Plant Island With Light

This is a brand new concept and a really good idea. Floating planters are one of our bestselling products and illuminating the plants makes them ‘come alive’ during the evening.

Velda Artificial Lotus Leaf Small – 36 pieces

Lotus leaves are common to many ponds. These floating plants successfully mimic those found in nature.